Frisco Liberty FFA
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FFA Officer Election Guide

Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter Officer Election Guide

Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter Officers and Procedures for Election 2022-2023

Chapter Number: TX1523

The 2022-2023 Officer application will be available later in the spring. Only a student who will be going into the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade for the upcoming school year may apply to be an officer. Potential incoming officers must have participated in a minimum of 60 percent of all activities for the FFA as well as at least 2 extracurricular events such as, but not limited to, Career Development Events, Speaking Events, AgriScience Fair, FISD Show Team, or competed in a Leadership Development Event for the current school year. This will be confirmed by the FFA Chapter Advisor of the Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter. To be eligible for office, the candidate must hold the minimum of the Greenhand degree. To be eligible to hold the office of the President, the candidate must hold the minimum of the Chapter degree prior to the application due date. This will be confirmed by the FFA Chapter Advisor of the Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter. Additionally, only incoming juniors or seniors will be eligible to fulfill the position of President. Therefore if you will be a sophomore for the upcoming school year, you are not eligible to serve as the chapter president; you are however, eligible for other officer positions. *This is subject to change with teacher discretion.*

The results of the officer application and election processes are an accumulation of scores earned by the candidate to fulfill the listed offices of the Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter. The candidate earning the highest cumulative score will serve as the President. The positions following the role of president will be filled from highest to lowest score in the following order: 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Secretary 4) Treasurer 5) Reporter 6) Sentinel 7) Student Advisor*. If the candidate with the highest score is either a sophomore and/or does not maintain the Chapter degree or higher, they will be placed in the next highest office. Only a junior or senior holding the Chapter degree or higher is eligible to serve in the office of the President per the FFA constitution and bylaws. *Student Advisor position will be filled at the discretion of the FFA Advisor. 

All elected officers are expected to purchase official dress wardrobe (including the official FFA jacket and scarf/tie from the National FFA) prior to the beginning of the upcoming school year. 

Application Instructions and Process:

Items to be completed and a digital copy turned in via the Google Form or via email at Please turn in all completed forms together (at one time). All of the paperwork listed below is DUE by 5:00 PM on __. Any items not turned in by the prescribed due date will result in the removal of the candidate from the election process for the current election cycle.

All online documents are DUE by 5:00 PM on __.

  • Item 1- Signed Officer Contract
  • Item 2- Copy of your report card
  • Item 3- Officer Biography (must use the template provided on the Frisco Liberty FFA)

The Officer Contract and Officer Biography Template can be found below under List of Documents.

The following items are to be completed online:

Frisco Liberty FFA Officer Application

You must use your school email to access the google form and complete the officer application.

Application Link Here: 

 (Links to an external site.)

Teacher Recommendations: This will be completed by the three teachers indicated by the student in their online application. The Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter Advisor(s) may not complete letters of recommendation for Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter elections. Candidates must choose a one teacher from each of the following categories for a total of three letters of recommendations. The letters of recommendation are solely used to determine if there are any concerns for the candidate serving as Chapter Officer and no points are awarded from the teacher recommendations. The FFA Advisor will send the link to the three teachers indicated by the candidate on their online application. 1) Core LHS teacher 2) LHS CTEC teacher 3) FISD CTEC teacher. DO NOT SEND OUT EMAILS TO THE TEACHERS. 

The following items will need to be completed online via Google Forms and Zoom:

Officer Candidate Exam (Google Forms): The exam will contain 50 questions in a Multiple Choice format. 25 questions will test for the candidates understanding of Parliamentary Procedure (25% of the final score) and the second set of 25 questions will test the candidate's knowledge of FFA history and current issues of the organization and local Chapter (25% of the final score).

Officer Candidate Interview (Zoom): Interviews will be conducted TBA at an assigned time. Interviews will be conducted by 2-4 FISD teachers or administrators. The interview panel will use the officer candidate’s application to tailor questions so please take the application serious and present yourself to your fullest potential showcasing your abilities and passion for the FFA. The average of the judge’s scores will be given as the final interview score of the candidate comprising 35% of the final score of the candidate.

If you will be running for an office position, please email Mrs. Rocha by May 7th, 2020 so that an interview time can be scheduled. Email Mrs. Avant if you have any questions ( You will be assigned an interview time by the Chapter Advisor. Officer exams MUST BE taken before your interview.

Students are expected to dress professionally for their interview. Official dress is the expectation. The Chapter does have scarves/ties and official dress jackets available for students to borrow for their interviews if the student does not currently have these items. 

Interview Slots TBD

Chapter Voting: Potential chapter officers must create a 3-5 minute video introducing themselves to the Chapter and inform the Chapter why they believe they would serve the Chapter as a positive and energetic leader. Any candidate, who fails to post their videos, will no longer be eligible to run in this election cycle. During the preliminary voting conducted via Online Poling at the end of May, all eligible voters (current seniors may not vote in the election for next school year’s officers) will vote for their top three candidate choices. The preliminary votes will be counted and the top three candidates from the initial vote will be announced within the next week. The candidate that receives the most votes will be awarded 30 points, second highest number of votes will be awarded 20 points, and the third highest number of votes will be awarded 10 points. Candidates, who are not selected through the Chapter voting, will receive zero points in the Chapter voting category. To clarify; the vote is NOT the sole determination on which candidate will fill the role of President. The vote is merely a portion of the overall scoring.

Ties: In the event of a tie, we will go to the Exam Score for the Parliamentary Procedure portion. Should that not break the tie, we will then go to the Exam Score for the second portion of the exam followed by the Interview Score.

Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter Officer Expectations:

The Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter Officers are selected to represent the Chapter throughout the school year. It is your responsibility to set the example, take the lead and motivate others. The following is a list of requirements for Chapter Officers. As a Chapter Officer, you must meet or exceed these expectations. Please make sure that you can commit to them all for the entire school year.

  1. Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter Officers encouraged to attend the following summer activities: (Currently TBA)
  • Area Leadership Camp (ALC) Session A during the month of June Cost: $100 Even number years (2020/2022/2024) the entire officer team is required to attend. Odd number years (2021/2023) the President and Vice President are required to attend. Cost covered by the student.
  • FISD Officer Camp – Date TBD (all officers must attend)
  • State Convention – 2022 Dallas Cost: TBD (required for President and Vice President) Cost covered by the student.
  1. Must participate in all school-year fundraising activities to raise chapter funds if applicable.
  1. You must maintain passing grades throughout the school year. If you should fail a six-weeks grading period, you must regain your eligibility by the next progress report. You will not be able to participate in any FFA activities during an ineligible period (including FFA meetings and officer meetings). If you lose eligibility for any two grading periods, you will be removed from office.
  1. Officer meetings will be scheduled during the advisory period or before/after school with the FFA Advisor. We understand that there will be conflicts from time to time but please do your best to be present at each meeting. This means giving written notice via email TO THE ADVISOR & PRESIDENT at least 48 hours in advance. You must email Mrs. Avant at in order for your notice to be counted. Emailing or texting other officers will not count towards an excused absence. You will be granted two excused absences for any officer meetings each semester. Once you have exhausted excused absences, you will begin receiving penalties with the third penalty resulting in removal from office.
  2. Officers must have their official dress purchased prior to the beginning of the school year. This includes FFA jacket, closed-toed black dress shoes, black slacks or black skirt of appropriate length (including the slit), a white collared button-up shirt, black socks or black tights/panty hose, and an official FFA scarf or tie. Jackets and ties must be purchased from the National FFA website. Instructions can be found on the Frisco Liberty FFA website. Additionally, officers will be required to purchase the Officer Polo from the National FFA.
  3. Officers must know their portion of the opening and closing ceremonies by the first day of school as well as the FFA Creed and the following response by the first day of school. When asked, “FFA Members, Why are we here?” You should respond as follows: “To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.”


Frisco Liberty High School 15250 Rolater Rd, Frisco, TX 75035

2021-2022 Officer Candidate Scoring Rubric   Frisco Liberty FFA Chapter TX1523

Candidate Name: _____________________________________________________________

Requirements Checklist






4th Six Weeks Report Card



Signed Officer Contract



Officer Biography



Teacher Letter of Recommendations



Candidate has obtained the Greenhand Degree (all candidates must possess

this degree level)



Candidate has obtained the Chapter Degree or above (all candidates for the position of President must possess this degree level or above)



Has the candidate participated in 60% of Chapter Activities AND participated in at least 2 teams or events


Scoring Rubric

Points Earned

Possible Points




Parliamentary Procedure Exam 25%


FFA History & Knowledge Exam 25%



Interview 35%

Preliminary Voting (does not result in points awarded but does determine the top three voted candidates to move to the Runoff Vote). 

Number of votes earned by this candidate in the preliminary vote for record purposes only: __________________



Chapter Vote Runoff Vote 15% 

(1st 30 points, 2nd 20 points, and 3rd 10 points) Zero points are awarded to candidates that do not move past the preliminary voting round.



Total Score                                                        Rank _______/_______


Highlight Position Earned: 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Secretary 4) Treasurer 5) Reporter 6) Sentinel 7) Student Advisor 


List of Documents

Officer Election Guide:  download

Chapter Officer Contract Printable & Editable File: 

Officer Candidate Bio Template Printable & Editable File:  download

2021-2022 Officer Application Google Form Link:  (Links to an external site.)


There are two portions to the exam, both links are provided below along with Test Study Materials, under the Test Study Materials section the first link is your FFA study guide/review for both portions and the other materials can be used for studying. Your grade can be viewed immediately after quiz submission. If you have questions on missed answers, email Mrs. Avant at


2020-2021 Officer Exam- Parliamentary Procedure Knowledge (Links to an external site.)

2020-2021 Officer Exam- FFA & Agriculture Knowledge Portion (Links to an external site.)


Test Study Materials: 

Study Guide for each exam portion (View First!):  download

FFA Manual: (Links to an external site.)

Parliamentary Procedure Manual:  download




Discussion Post for Chapter Voting Submission Link (This is where you will post your videos referred under the Election Guide)Chapter Voting

Teacher Recommendations: FFA Advisor will submit these (DO NOT EMAIL THE TEACHERS)

Submission for Items 1-3 under the Officer Guidelines Document (Email Ms. Rocha @ Make sure to put "FFA Application 2021-2022" at Email Subject Line.


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