Frisco Liberty FFA
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Graduation Cords
If you are a Senior this year, Congrats! Here is what you need to know regarding how to qualify and receive your FFA Graduation Cord.

Frisco Liberty FFA members are eligible to apply for an FFA graduation cord.
Requirements for graduation cord consideration:
  • GPA of 3.5 or greater
  • Minimum of 2 years in the FFA
  • Achieved Greenhand and Chapter Degrees and;
Is an active chapter member that includes students that have participated in any combination of two of the following activities:
  • Participated in a minimum of two FFA service projects during your time in FFA
  • Have participated in three of the following during your time in FFA (any combination); Chapter/District/Area Officer, Leadership Development Event, Career Development Event, or shown either a Livestock, Horticulture, or Ag Mechanics project.
  • Served as an FFA Officer at or above the Chapter level 
  • Earned degrees or proficiencies at or above the Chapter level
  • Attended an event or convention at or above the District level
As long as you are able to meet the following requirements above, you are likely to receive your Graduation Cord. All students must complete the cord applications that are made available by the chapter advisor prior to the banquet. 


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