Frisco Liberty FFA
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Chapter Degree

Those FFA members that have received their Greenhand degree may apply for the Chapter Degree. Members must be enrolled in an agricultural science class, have completed at least two semesters in agricultural science at or above the ninth grade level, have in operation an approved SAE program, demonstrate leadership skills and be actively involved in the activities of the local FFA chapter. This degree of active membership is awarded at the chapter level. The Chapter FFA Degree is given to an FFA chapter’s top members.

To receive a Chapter FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:

  • Received the Greenhand FFA Degree.
  • Satisfactorily completed 180 hours (or the equivalent) of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level.
  • Have an approved SAE in operation.
  • Enrolled in an agriculture course.
  • Participated in the planning and implementation of at least three official FFA chapter activities.
  • Earned and productively invested at least $150, or have worked at least 45 hours outside of scheduled class time, or a combination of the two, through their SAE.
  • Have developed plans for continued growth and improvement of their SAE.
  • Effectively lead a group discussion in FFA or Ag. related matters.
  • Demonstrated five parliamentary law procedures.
  • Have a satisfactory academic record.
  • Submitted a Google Form application for the Chapter FFA Degree.
  • Complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service activities.

Application Link:


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